Billinge Energi is a local electricity company that operates in the region of Skaraborg in Sweden. They have over 50,000 customers, making them one of the largest electricity suppliers in the region.
On Billinge Energi’s website, you could request new electricity contracts, but there was no option to sign these online. And if you were to move with your contract to a new adress or extend a current contract, you had to contact customer service.
To simplify this process, Bravomedia web agency was hired to create a way to sign, extend and administer electricity contracts digitally. The work consisted of creating clear paths to different types of contracts (new customer, existing customer, moving to new adress & company contracts) as well as developing a plugin for BankID for WordPress for signing and verification. This plugin would also be developed in such a way that it could easily be reused in future projects by Bravomedia.
Later on we also made a version of this project for Billinge Energi’s sister company 7H Kraft.
I was responsible for UX design throughout the entire process from start to launch, both for the work regarding electricity contracts on the website and the work on developing the BankID plugin.